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New Lamkhuang Village (Kathalcherra New)


I myself Florence Darlong is preparing an assignment on the history of my village New Lamkhuang (Kathalcherra New). As I research it, I got to know so many past things about my village. My village New Lamkhuang is established in the year of 1952 A.D., as you go through you will be knowing more about its origins, population, Village Council, development, education, religion and culture and behaviour of the village. 

Origin of New Lamkhuang (Kathalcherra New):

In the year of 1952 A.D., 5 (five) families of the Darlong tribe from Old Lamkhuang move forward to create a new village called New Lamkhuang (Kathalcherra New). The creating of this village have been planned and have unity in mindset. The five families built up the home and start living on it. At the beginning of the village where at less population so, they don’t have a perfect selected chairman for the village. But it was already a village so, they have chosen Pu Hnampuilala Bethlu as the leaders of the village. The five families head who has been established New Lamkhuang:- 

  1. Hnampuilala Bethlu

  2. Suavunga Vanghroi 

  3. Liana Vanghroi

  4. Neitina Lonte

  5. Roichoma Darlong

Increase in population:

As we know at the beginning the total population was 5 (five) families (total member 22). But as the years move on the population has been increasing. In the year 1955 A.D. some family of Darlong from Old Lamkhuang has been shifted to New Lamkhuang, some of the head of the family:-

  1. Thangliana Darlong 

  2. Dingliana Darlong 

  3. Hnuna Darlong 

  4. Khualdinga Darlong 

  5. Zathangpuia Darlong

In the year 1957 A.D., some family from Saikar village were shifted to NewLamkhuang and the family head name who have been shifted to the New Lamkhuang village were:

  1. Ngurhnela Darlong 

  2. Siama Darlong 

  3. Ngurdinga Darlong 

  4. Neikhunga Darlong 

  5. Khuma Darlong 

  6. Vana Darlong 

  7. Vuanga Darlong 

  8. Zawlngakngura Darlong

  9. Khoma Darlong

And some others from another village was been shifted. As this, the population of the village had been increased.

Village Council:

As we see in the year 1952 A.D., the people of the village was less in population so, they don't have a perfect selected chairman for the village. But as we see it was already a village so, the people of the village have chosen Pu Hnampuilala Bethlu as a chairman of the village. As the year move on the population had been increased. So, at the year of 1957, the village starts the election for the V/C Chairman. They have elected Pu Hnampuilala Bethlu as a Chairman, Pu Khuma Secretary, Members (Pu Hranthuana, Pu Savunga , Pu Zathangpuia). In the same year, TRIPURA SORKAR (Government of Tripura) open the TRIBAL MODEL COLONY. In the year 1962 A.D., the Tripura sorkar came for the first time for settlement and the place where recorded as KATHAL CHEERA.


  1. HOUSE AND ROAD: In the year 1952 A.D., the house and the village condition was poor, the house was made of bamboos as a wall. And the upper cover of the house was made of Leymus arenarius. The village condition was poor and the road was bad. After 40-50 years the village had been much more developed, some of the houses were with half wall and the upper cover with tin. And the road was also been much better in size and cover with bricks. 

  2. FOOD: In the year 1952 A.D., the village people were suffering from scarcity of food. At that year the people don’t have proper land for agriculture and cultivation. And even it was difficult to get a meal for a day. At that stage, the people eat kaipawl (which we can also call roots or seeds from underground) and some other food like La-ui (Jackfruit), Tuai (Bamboo shoot) and some edible from the forest whichever could be harnessed. But if we look towards after 15-16 years the people of the village start agriculture and horticulture cultivation. 

  3. WORK: At the year 1952 A.D., there was no proper work and no place for employment. They just used their time in finding food. But in the year 1962 A.D., the Tripura sorkar (Government of Tripura) start giving work and labour to the village people. They start giving the work of making road. As after 40-50 years, the sorkar gave more work and much more developed in employmentship.

  4. MONEY: At the years 1962 A.D., the sorkar gave a salary, women Rs. 0.50 paise and men Rs. 1.00 only. But as the years move on the village people start working in a different place and earn much better. If we see the present situation per day 250/300 wages is given it well much developed.


In the year 1952 A.D., a school was built by the people of Old Lamkhuang and New Lamkhuang. It was built with bamboos as a wall and the upper cover with Leymus anenarius. The school was a Catholic Mission School. It was built in New Lamkhuang. There was one chair of wooden and the other are fixed on a bamboo chair. At that stage, there was no proper dress for students but for their needs, there are pencil, paper and some other book for learning. As we research on it, the total number of students is 60 to 70 below. And the number of teachers is 1 (One). There was only one teacher, his name was Lalngula Darlong from Old Lamkhuang. At that time the higher class up to the 5th standard.

But after 15-16 years, the school have been close and shifted to Old Lamkhuang. The school was much better developed. After the school been shifted, there was a person who helps for the teacher, name Hlaikunga Darlong. But as the school was been shifted the Education was not yet stopped for New Lamkhuang people, they still move on to Old Lamkhuang for their education. If we see the present situation there is a lot of changes in the education system and much more developed.

Religion and Culture:

In the year 1952 A.D., a Catholic Church was built in New Lamkhuang. It was the first mission in the village. But after a few years when the people of Saikar been shifted, the Baptist Church has been open in 1962 A.D. In the year 1977 A.D. E.F.C.I. Chruch have been standup. And in the year 2003 A.D., P.C.I. Church has been standup. As we see from 1952 A.D. to 2011 A.D., four mission have been standup.

  1. Catholic Church (established in 1952 A.D)

  2. Baptist Church (established in 1962 A.D)

  3. Evangelical free church of India (E.F.C.I. established in 1977 A.D.)

  4. Presbyterian Church of India (P.C.I. established in 2003 A.D.)

There was no problem with having a different mission in the village. In the year 1987 A.D., Pastor Saikhuma Darlong came and have a Sandamna camp (camp for making Holy to people) at E.F.C.I. Church. All the different mission were also invited to the camp for worship service. As we research it the people of New Lamkhuang doesn't have a problem is missionaries from the beginning and till today.


In the year 1968 A.D., a playing card was been held. At that years a card was played for the sake of money and it spoils the behaviour of some people. Some of it name that they play with the card, with Darlong are:

  1. Tuanti nine

  2. Duri

  3. Brets

  4. Siku

  5. Brie

  6. Hazaria

  7. Tintas

  8. Joker. 

This card is played for the shake of money, it spoils the family unity, it creates a problem, it loses the unity of the village people. After this, the people were indulging in liquor. It makes people quarrel, fight, and lose unity. As so on. But if we see the present situation it has a lot of changes.

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  1. I find it extremely interesting. I believe the good work to reach for more of its target
