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The emergence of Nazareth village and the Church

The emergence of Nazaret village and the Church

By Upa L. Suana Darlong

I am extremely happy that by the grace of God I could write about the Nazaret village and the Baptist Church in the village. The village came into being in early 1992. A few people from the three villages viz Talan, Darchawi and Hmuntha came and settled there. The village is situated between Darchawi village and Hmuntha village. The first settlers were Pu. Nuntlunga Darlong, Pu. L. Suana Darlong, Pu. Zakhupa Darlong and Tv. Rimawia Darlong. In the month of March 1992, Rev. Ngurziding Hnamte named the village Nazareth. 

The KBCA (Kailashahar Baptist Christian Association) was very concerned with the village. To take care of the Church, Pu. Suana Darlong was asked to function as Deacon. And later on, he was unanimously elected as Deacon and subsequently became life-Deacon. 

The village initially had a Church in a temporary Kacha house in 1993. But the villagers had decided to construct a better house for the Church. Meanwhile one Pu. Roichuonga Darlong had donated his land where construction of Church building could be undertaken. Accordingly, all villagers rendered help in kind and cash to the maximum extent possible for the construction of the Church building. It is here to mention that Mr Lalnuna Rokhum donated GIC sheets for the Church building. Thus, a new Church building came up.

On 17.06.1998 Evangelist K. Hmingliana along with his team came to this village all the way from Mizoram to have revival camp and set up ‘EL Bethel’. All members of the village participated in the camp to enrich their spiritual life. The villagers were extremely happy with the brothers and sisters of Saibual village for providing them provisions without which they could not have participated in the camp. 

The village was so blessed by God Almighty that one lady named Rinsangi Darlong received the power of healing from God. Accordingly, she had a healing ministry. Many people from across the state poured into the village expecting to get healed from their diseases by the ministry of the lady. Many people got cured and left the place praising the Lord.

During those days, the villagers faced acute financial problems as they did not have any source of income. All of a sudden, Rev. Lalkhawlawma Darlong ES, KBCA arranged financial sponsorship from AFPRO, Germany. The villagers, thus, took the advantage of such a project. All of them created pineapple orchards in their respective lands. Later, the villagers had earnings from the sale proceed of pineapples and become financially stable. In the meantime, four families changed their allegiance to EFCI (Evangelical Free Church of India) from KBCA. Since then, the village has had two denominational Churches viz EFCI and KBCA.

In 2007 we undertook the construction of a new Church building. The Church building has Assam type wall, GIC roofing and concrete floor. We must not forget the contributions of the following persons: Upa Suana Darlong, Upa Roihlira Darlong, Pu Vannunsiama Darlong and Upa Hmunsiamdinga Darlong. We the Nazareth people have solemnly taken a pledge that we shall skip eating meat on the 4th Sunday of every month and the value of the meat thereof, will be given to the Church for extension of His kingdom. The status of the village as of date is as under:

  1. No of family - 18

  2. Population - 75

  3. No of Church - 01 (Since EFCI has come to cease.)

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